See more testimonials here

“"My daughter had an experience that will last a lifetime. I was hesitant at first but I am so pleased that she was able to attend. The coaches were wonderful and so helpful. They made her feel at ease. They welcomed the parents to participate & took the time to answer all of our questions. The evaluations were wonderful & helpful. We would do this again in a heartbeat & would recommend for other junior golfers to as well!"”
“"Wow what an extraordinary opportunity for the student/athlete who wants to compete at the college level! This camp was extraordinary in every way. The opportunity to have top level coaches evaluating and teaching your junior golfer is worth every minute you spend. Definitely recommend!"”
“"The coaches were exceptional. [They] were so gracious and approachable and took time to not only educate the student athlete but also the parents on the college golf scene."”
“"My daughter obtained an offer directly after the camp."”
“"I was skeptical due to the cost but the camp was worth every penny!! The schools represented were so impressive, the coaches were very approachable and seemed to actually want to answer questions. I learned as much as my camper and came away with the knowledge of how the recruiting process works and what these coaches are looking for."”
“"CGC was an amazing experience, not only for my daughter, but for us as well. Any player who is interested in college golf MUST attend one of these camps. The information about the recruiting process, the interaction with the top college coaches in the country and the motivation a player leaves camp with is priceless. My daughter has a vision and is now equipped with a roadmap to help her get to the college of her dreams. It was the best money we've spent on golf yet! My daughter started looking at the CGC schedule as soon as camp ended! She is ready to go again. Guess what? We are too!!!"”
“Our son just attended CGC Dallas. You guys are professionals at what you do. We left with our eyes wide open. Everything that was advertised happened. I was the skeptical parent, no longer, CGC is the real deal.”
“My son went to 2 camps, one in Orlando and the other in San Diego, he just signed with a Division I school….Thanks to your camps he got the chance to live his dream, the camps are an awesome opportunity. We are from Alberta Canada.”
“I wanted to thank you again for the camp and great experience…..I can’t say thank you enough.”
“We learned a tremendous amount and had a great experience. Thank you so much.”
“My son and I loved the camp you held. It was an awesome experience that I will recommend to everyone!”
“For the record, I did not realize when we arrived that this was the first one! I thought overall it was amazing. We were given so many “pearls of wisdom” in order to guide …. as he pursues HIS dream to play college golf. He is so driven and focused as an individual player and this was as if we just pulled in and let the “aces in their places” refuel his desire.”
“I wanted to thank you for putting on the College Golf Camp in Arlington. I found the experience to be very beneficial and enjoyable!”
“Just wanted to tell you on congrats and thank you for a really extraordinary experience in Arlington. It was very educational for me and my husband and my son heard very valuable advice. I think the best thing he heard was how to manage his attitude and how to effectively practice. You had a great schedule …..There was very little that I would change!”
“Thank you for a great event, [my son] really enjoyed it and it was a great experience.”
“[My son] attended the first College Golf Camp of America event in Dallas at the end of July and he loved it. He’s practicing more efficiently and working on the suggestions in his player evaluation.”
“I enjoyed the event very much thank you! Had a great time and experience. Thank you so much! will be very helpful!”
“This has been an incredible two days so far! This is perhaps the best money we have ever spent on Tristan’s golf game. College Golf Camp. 20 college golf coaches from around the country mentoring, assessing, watching him play….”
“We had a great time and enjoyed the camp. I took a lot away from the week.”
“Thank you so much for hosting these wonderful opportunities for junior golfers. My son K.A. had many valuable experiences that we couldn’t of experienced without your support.”
“CGC was a wonderful experience! The information my daughter learned to prepare applying for colleges was invaluable. The feedback from the coaches was great! It was a fantastic experience and worth the investment!”
“Tremendously valuable for player and parent.”
“I attended the camp in San Diego. I can’t thank you enough, I had a great time, and learned a lot!”
“The information that I received and what I learned during my weekend at CGC San Diego will help me immensely on my road to college golf.”
“I have been to two CGC’s already and love the experience.”
“I participated in the CGC this weekend in San Diego. I had an amazing weekend and met a lot of coaches that I probably wouldn’t have ever met! Two fantastic golf courses that I feel privileged to have experienced.”
“Great to meet all the coaches to see what college golf is really about”
“My daughter will never forget this amazing experience, thank you CGC for everything!”
“My two boys just finished College Golf Camps of America in San Diego last week. What a fantastic experience, you all did such a great job. Extremely professional and relevant information.”
“We had a terrific experience with College Golf Camps. We learned a lot about the process involved in recruiting and playing for college. The information and experience was extremely valuable. We would definitely recommend this camp for junior golfers interested in playing college golf.”
“College Golf Camps has separated itself in the junior golf camp industry by allowing players to talk freely to coaches, receive valuable practice tips and learn about what it takes to really play college golf. What a brilliant idea!”
“The camp was great to say the least! and informative for us. Even though LM was nervous and didn’t shoot his best, he said he enjoyed himself and learned a lot. As a scholastic and college coach myself, the lessons learned were priceless. This concept is great and I'm glad we could be part of it.”
“Overall a great program that improves your knowledge of college golf & the aspects of golf.”
“I attended CGC: Dallas 2014, CGC: Orlando 2013 and CGC: Orlando 2014. They were a great chance to meet a group of great college coaches and showcase your talents… And to interact and learn from great teachers.”
“The CGC – Dallas experience helped my twins realize what it takes to become a division 1 student athlete.”
“CGC Dallas 2014 was the best one-on-one interaction a junior golfer could experience before heading to college.”
“[CGC – Dallas 2014] camp can teach both parents and junior golfers so much and definitely help you in your journey to play college golf. I had so much fun here and I will definitely be back next year.”
“This event is a must attend for any youth that has a desire to play college golf. The information and experience provided is invaluable. I would definitely recommend attending around the youth’s sophomore year in high school. The CGC staff was wonderful!!! Thank you coaches!!!”
“[CGC Dallas 2014] was our first CGC and I can’t say enough about the entire experience. From how organized the camp was to how much my son interacted with the Coach’s, this was truly an event he will never forget. From the lessons he learned at the camp, he immediately incorporated in all facets of his game as well as his mental approach going forward. Many thanks to the entire staff, Coach’s, and guest speakers.”
“CGC completely exceeded our expectations. To be honest, we thought it sounded too good to be true. When we arrived and saw the college flags flying in the breeze, we were thrilled. All of the coaches were so friendly and approachable. We learned so much about college golf and the recruitment process. We now have a game plan moving forward and are excited, rather than intimidated, about pursuing our son’s dream of playing college golf.”
“Being only a freshman in high school, hearing what the coaches had to say constructively, now looking back had far more meaning and impact than anything prior.”
“I only wish we had heard about CGC earlier! This camp should be a “must attend” event in your college golf preparation program. The one-to-one coach time is invaluable and the presentations, eye-opening.”
“I would like to thank you and all of the coaches that were at the camp for this unforgettable experience.”
“We were amazed by the attention the Coaches gave to the Student Athletes on and off the course. Everyone was very personable and truly wantedvto help these prospective college golfers reach their potential.”
“For any parent or junior athlete considering playing collegiate golf and possibly beyond..CGC provides invaluable information, instruction, resources, and one of a kind interaction with top college golf coaches. Preparing for college golf doesn’t have to be a mystery. CgC and its staff provides a format to get the proper answers straight from the source. I highly recommend CGC!!!”
“My experience was terrific and unforgettable at CGC - Las Vegas Event. I feel lucky to having attended it. All College Golf Coaches were amazing and I thank them all for encouraging me and giving me their kind attention….. I have started following their tips to improve my game and it’s really helping me. I thank you and College Golf Coaches for everything once again.”
“On behalf of Charlie and I, I want to thank you and your staff for a great weekend in Las Vegas. Charlie came home with a renewed belief that he could play at a college level. The coaches in attendance were great confidence builders for Charlie….”
“Paul was very pleased with the interaction with all the coaches at the camp. He learned a lot about the landscape in college golf. He knows that everything that was presented to him will help him as a golfer as well as being a responsible young man. Thank you for providing such a great format and platform for these young men and ladies to show off their golf skills and have a chance to be able to communicate with these outstanding coaches face to face in such a relaxed atmosphere.”
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