Coach McDonald is next up on the Q/A

Coach McDonald worked our camp in Dallas of 2013. Super guy!!

Where did you play college golf?

Georgia Tech

What is your greatest achievement?

1983 Rolex Player of The Year

What is your proudest moment as a coach?

1 shot lead with 3 holes to go at 2013 SEC Championship

What trait do dislike the most?


What trait do admire the most?


What is your greatest fear?

What is your favorite place to eat on the road?

The best BBQ wherever that may be

Best advice you received as a junior golfer?

learn to hit a go to shot under pressure

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
in golf? probably not getting help sooner for my wrist issues

take a vacation every year

What is your greatest regret?

Favorite colors?

old gold and white

What is your motto?

Dream big and follow through with attention to detail

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