College Golf Camps®- Survey Results
Updated 4.10.16
Survey results from our campers and parents from the past three years!!
Was the event better than what you expected, worse than what you expected, or about what you expected? 75% say “slightly better to much better” 18% say “about what was expected”
How much of the interaction with College Coaches was useful? 89% say “most to all of it”
How much has your knowledge of College Golf improved because of the information at the College Golf Camps? 95% say “moderate amount”
Overall, were you satisfied with the event, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it? 90% say “slightly to extremely satisfied”
How useful to you and your Junior Golfer was the information presented at the event? 97% say “moderately to extremely useful”
Would you attend College Golf Camps, if you had to do it all over again? 94% say “very likely to definitely”
How organized was the event? 90% say “moderately to extremely organized”
Based on your experience at CGC would you recommend College Golf Camps of America to a friend? 83% say “definitely” 15% say “possibly”
Based on your experience at CGC, are you planning on attending a future College Golf Camps of America event? 77% say “possibly to definitely”
Did the presenters allow too much time for discussion, too little time, or about the right amount of time? 81% say “about the right time”
How many of the objectives of the event were met? 86% say “most of them to all of them”
Do you plan to Keep Calm and Play College Golf? 94% say “highly likely to definitely”