Coach Kim Lewellen from Virginia – Q/A
Where did you play college golf?
University of NC
What is your greatest achievement?
The Virginia Women’s Golf Program being in the Final 4, 2 years straight.
What is your proudest moment as a coach?
Every time one of my player’s reach their goals!
What trait do dislike the most?
Not being adaptable, not being able to change to get better.
What trait do admire the most?
Desire to become the best you can be, and the actions to follow it up.
What is your greatest fear?
Snakes, really though!
What is your favorite place to eat on the road?
Anything Italian.
Best advice you received as a junior golfer?
From my Dad, “when your not practicing, someone, somewhere is practicing, and when you meet them, they will win”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would like to be the Re-max long driving champ, and I’m not!
What is your greatest regret?
Not knowing everything about the sport I loved, golf, until later. If I had been a student of my game earlier, I would have improved quicker.
Favorite colors?
Orange and Navy – of course!
What is your motto?
Depend on the time of year, and what I and the team need at the time – right now, Be Kind and Work Hard!
Talent you most desire in your players?
Pliability – able to be adaptable and make appropriate, thoughtful changes when necessary.