Survey Says!!
Did you have a fun experience at College Golf Camps?
98% say yes
How much has your knowledge of College Golf improved because of the information at the College Golf Camps?
81%say a great deal/a lot
Overall, were you satisfied with the event, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it?
87% say Extremely/Moderately Satisfied
Was the event better than what you expected,worse than what you expected, or about what you expected?
79% say much/somewhat better
How useful to you and your Junior Golfer was the information presented at the event?
89% say Extremely/Very Useful
How much of the interaction with College Coaches was useful?
88% say All of it/Most of it
Would you attend College Golf Camps, if you had to do it all over again?
87% say Definitely/Very likely
How many of the objectives of the event were met?
88% say All of them/Most of them
What was the most valuable aspects of College Golf Camps?
College Coaches, Instruction, Interaction, Access, Information, Knowledge, Learning, Presentations
How organized was the event?
92% say Extremely/Very/Moderately Organized
Based on your experience at CGC would you recommend College Golf Camps of America to a friend?
97% say definitely/possibly
Based on your experience at CGC, are you planning on attending a future College Golf Camps of America event?